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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Football Fanatics

University of Tennessee Stadium

Check out this stadium...
Located smack dab in the center of the campus at University of Tennessee.
Can you imagine a river of 100,000 orange and black clad fans
They fill it up!
It doesn't matter if the team is winning or not
(UT isn't winning right now)
wind, rain,sun or snow.
They come.
Where they park, I have no idea.

On the other hand.
Check out the snap of the first floor of the school's bookstore:

The entire first floor is filled to the brim with
orange or black.
Can you believe it...no books in sight?
Odd...why is it called a bookstore?
Went downstairs and did find some books buried deep in the basement..
But there were lots of empty shelves too.

Something is wrong with this picture.
At a university...
books should come before balls.
But of course, balls make money and books not so much.

Go figure.

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