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Friday, December 3, 2010

The Suitcase

Love the handle..they just don't make cases like this anymore.
The inside looks just as good as the outside considering how much it was used!

This is no ordinary suitcase.
This one is special.
My mother purchased a set of three before she was married...
Each providing good service for my family
Carrying all sorts of things.
Can you imagine the places it has been during its 63 years.....

on my parent's honeymoon
on the many business trips taken by my father
and on family vacations

One day my mother put the three cases out on the front porch
To be collected by the Goodwill
I happened to stop by for a visit
And saved just the one.
Oh how I wish I had retrieved all three!
It sits high on a shelf...in a special regal spot...
And now contains precious items from my past.


Judy said...

I am so glad you were able to catch one of the cases before they went off to thrift shop. We have seen these all of our life and probably took one of them to UTAH for our first flight together.

Anonymous said...

I remember those! I didn't realize mom got them before she and da were married!
