For the past 26 years, my 400 square foot (roughly) garage was illuminated
by one single solitary 60 watt light bulb. Pathetic.
Many a time I stumbled, crashed, and fumbled my way through that dark cavernous garage.
No wonder I never liked going out there.
Not anymore!! Thanks to my dad, my knight in shining armor, along with the help of DZ and Matt. They have worked their magic stringing wire, hanging fluorescent light strips...
plug boxes
AND hanging two very cool vintage gas station/barn lights which I purchased on eBay with the help of my tech savy, king of the deal, nephew named Dan.
One hangs over the workbench and the other one over the door going out to my garden.
Don't you just love how the light glows out the sides of the shade?
Never thought I'd find so much joy in my garage.
Now days you can find me standing at the work bench organizing and sorting nails, screws, nuts and bolts, electrical and plumbing supplies.
I'll show you a pic once it is all complete.