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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies

It all started with reading about this  Friday night ("MADE" is one of my favorite bloggers, check her out)

CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES was all I could think about when I got up early Saturday am

So...I pulled out the supplies from my baking drawer....

I love having all my baking supplies at my fingertips

I have a gazillion pounds of Guittard chocolate...straight from the factory. Like "MADE", it is my favorite chocolate.

Popped up the Bosch mixer  from its cozy little garage cupboard

Mixed it all up... following the directions e.x.a.c.t.l.y

And whalah...I pulled from the oven the absolutely best chocolate chip cookies...e.v.e.r....oh so sinfully deelish...

The recipe does make a lot...I  have several rolls sitting in my freezer..ready to be baked at a moments notice.

Try it out......(or just hop on over to my house for a sample)

And let me know what you think

1 comment:

Judy said...

I love your kitchen staging. It makes me want to come over and bake away. I agree that they need to be all right at hand.