Today is a very special dad turns....
To celebrate, we decorated the backyard with flags, an antenna, a POPS chair ....
one master sailboat
and eight smaller ones (representing his children).
We hung his ham radio call letters....
nautical flags (VGP, his initials)
and prepared deelish food.
We donned party hats, waved flags and swirled noise makers and waited in anticipation.
Upon his arrival, our "king" was adorned with a crown and cape...
and led to the backyard to where a feast was awaiting.
We chatted and we ate.
And then we presented his presents, including a silver
tray filled with birthday memory letters and cards sent from family and friends,
near and far and from times past and present.
Oh the joy of reading of the love our dear pop
has spread over those nine decades.
Finally, the firepit was lit and the marshmallows placed on sticks.
We filled the air with a heartfelt song....
and ate cupcakes and ice cream.
to our dear dad, pop, opa, great opa, uncle, brother, brother-in-law, and friend...

You are loved by so many.
PS. Please note that all pictures were taken by our in house photographer, Matt Lambert.